Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sydney University: Ocean Nurishment Research

Researchers from Sydney University have discovered a way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and deposit it into the ocean.

The 'Ocean Nourishment Scheme' mimics nature by introducing reactive nitrogen into the open ocean. Utilising natural sunlight, ocean nourishment economically changes CO2 into organic vegetable matter known as phytoplankton. Fish and other marine life feed on this matter ensuring plentiful and healthy fish populations.

Over the past decade researchers at the University of Sydney have been investigating the environmental risks of ocean nourishment and its benefits in restoring the health of the ocean. The process provides the open ocean with the nutrients that are missing. Each ocean nourishment scheme would create 10 million carbon credits per year, as much as a million hectares of new forest can produce.

The research is in the running for the $25 million Earth Challenge prize offered by Richard Branson.


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